International Adoption Book

Thursday, February 19, 2009

On The Move Again

It's been quite a while since I've updated this blog. My sincerest appologies. I've been so sick lately... Growing babies is tough work!!! Somebody was watching over me today because I was illness free, finally! (Thank You!)

So, without further adoo... Here is a quick summary of the happenings here:

Matt has been working frantically to get both our family and himself ready for our move and his deployment. He's been packing up the house all by himself. I've been so sick this past month that I can barely get off the couch each day. It's agony just to get out of bed and walk down the stairs, never mind walk back up them each evening to crawl back into bed. And those two or three rare days that I've felt good (today being one of those days) I've been so weak that I feel light-headed just moving. But, I digress... Matt is working like crazy for both our family and the Army that I think he's actually getting worn out... And he hasn't even left for his deployment, yet. In fact, I'm willing to bet that he's anxious to get this done and over with so he can get to Iraq and have some peace and quiet (anything is better and more peaceful than he's had here at home lately). So, needless to say, I am more grateful to him for his perseverance than anyone else could imagine. He is an amazing husband, wonderful father and a fabulous soldier who takes each and every thing thrown at him and manages it like it's an every day task.

The kids are doing well. We have school at my parent's house all lined up for them. In fact, we are lining up a mainstream program within our local school for C. And, since the area/school is such a small community M and C will actually be in the same class (Kindergarten and 1st grade are taught by the same teacher)! It will be neat having my children attend the school I went to as a little girl!

Other than that, all is well. We'll be leaving Washington State on Monday and will make our trip into a 2-day event as we mosey down the western states. Hopefully, the weather and my health stay on our side, at least until we arrive! So, this is signing off for another couple of weeks (at least until we get settled)... See you on the flip side!!! ;)


Unknown said...

Have a safe, blessed trip!

Carey and Norman said...


I'm way behind on your blog (I must not have linked it correctly to mine). First, congratulations on the pregnancy. I'm so excited for you and your family. Second, thanks again for sharing about adoption, foster care, and deaf/hoh issues you encounter. As you know, I'm still considering the adoption of a deaf/hoh child, so I find your blog so helpful. Thinking of you this week as we learned of a little girl who is HOH in Estonia. I'll e-mail you with more!